
The House is situated in the center of an Oasis-like context that creates a natural fertile habitable Land. The wooden structure links introspective volumes around a central courtyard and serves as a horizontal circulation with discreet gardens creating an inner microclimate.


DbX residential villa is located in Dubai Hills UAE. Previously a desert, the land is transformed into a sustainable environment that offers a better life for the inhabitant.


Due to the weather conditions in Dubai, ventilation and shading are essential. The central courtyard allows natural ventilation and natural light into the house. Moreover, Inspired by “Masharabiya”, this key space also offers privacy from the adjacent surroundings.


The conceptual approach of the project started from a central courtyard, palm trees and a natural pond – all the qualities of an oasis, to create a home in symbiosis with nature.

TEAM: Rani Boustani - Bilal Jouni